Many times, you cannot control your circumstances, but you can control your responses to your circumstances. You can choose joy! Say what?! In life, pain is mandatory, but suffering is optional, depending on how you respond. How do you avoid those joy killers that reduce the delight, wonder, and pleasure found in the glory of each day? Let’s lean in together and discover those answers!

About Cindy Simmons
Cindy Brinker Simmons is an author, businesswoman, and philanthropist who cares deeply about helping people in the middle of life’s challenges. She is a living, breathing champion of joy. Cindy’s victory in overcoming the sorrow of multiple personal losses provides comfort and hope to those struggling through life’s most difficult trials. For years, she has walked alongside hurting people to encourage and help them confidently press forward, choose joy, and trust God, no matter the circumstances. Cindy lost her beloved husband, Bob, to cancer in 2005. She has an adult son, William.
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